Pregnancy care comprises of three parts prenatal care, during pregnancy and postnatal care. While a lot of attention is given to prenatal care, postnatal care is equally important. In fact, postnatal is a difficult period and the new mother requires a lot of care, guidance and attention for the proper recovery and good health of both the mother and the child. Giving birth can be both an emotional and stressful period for a new mother. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) the first 24 hours after birth are most critical for both the baby and the mother and proper care and attention should be given to the new mother and the baby in this period.
It is a postnatal care program that takes the workload and the worries away from the new parents. Parenthood is an overwhelming experience and in today’s world where couple’s are sometimes forced to live away from their families or have no family support in this critical period, they have to take care of the baby on their own. This translates into a lot of work and stress for the new parents, especially in the first few months which are critical for both the baby and the mother.

Under the UPH Health Services assigns a medically trained care giver to help the mother with newborn baby care and also offers after delivery care for mother.
Our maternity range embodies the essence of motherhood. Mother care offers a plethora of essentials for new and expecting moms. We are taking care of the mother’s who are starting her motherhood.
You’re a first-time parent, put your fears aside and get the basics in this guide about burping, bathing, bonding, and other baby–care concerns.
- Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer) before handling your baby. …
- Support your baby’s head and neck. …
- Never shake your newborn, whether in play or in frustration. …
- Make sure your baby is securely fastened into the carrier, stroller, or car seat.