Auricular Acupuncture also known as Auriculotherapy. It is the stimulation of the external ear for the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions. These health conditions may be taking place anywhere throughout the body. The stimulation of these acupuncture points can be done manually, with an acupuncture needle, a laser, magnets or ear seeds. Regardless of the means of stimulation, auricular acupuncture can be a very powerful addition to regular acupuncture treatments.
Auricular Acupuncture is considered a micro system, in that the ear is like a microcosm of the whole body, meaning one part of the body, the ear in this instance, represents the whole body. Microsystems also appear on foot and hand reflexology, facial acupuncture and scalp acupuncture.
Many conditions can be treated using only a few very tiny needles. Not only can Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) be treated using Auricular Acupuncture, but also things like Chronic Pain, Drug Addiction, High Blood Pressure and Nausea.
For those who are a little needle-shy, Auricular Acupuncture is a great way to treat them because they will never see the needles and they will still get the help they need to achieving health and wellness.
Auricular Acupuncture is applied for managing various types of pain such as Postoperative Pain, Dental Pain, and Musculoskeletal Pain, as well as pain related to Anesthesia.
Auricular Acupuncture has been found to be a beneficial and safe treatment for Lower Back Pain (LBP). In the elderly with Lower Back Pain it improves the Disability Level, Pain and Sensation, and Functional Activity.
Regarding cancer pain, it is found that Auricular Acupuncture led to rapid decreases in pain scores, and the treatment effect was sustained over a long period (i.e., 4 weeks).
Substance Dependence
Regarding cocaine dependence, Auricular Acupuncture is an adjunct treatment combined with conventional approaches including Relaxation, Medication, and Counseling. It is stated that Auricular Electrical Acupuncture (AEA) in the patient with addiction improve the withdrawal symptoms
Long-term effects for Magnetic Pearl Auricular Therapy are noted in treating insomnia in elderly people after identifying significant changes in nocturnal sleep time and improvements in sleep behavior in elderly patients, and this effect was retained 6 months after treatment

Auricular Therapy is a convenient approach for treating diseases. Evidence on Auricular Therapy supports its efficacy for pain relief, in treating Epilepsy and Anxiety, as well as Obesity, and in Improving Sleep Quality.